You can never solve the equation on life, we go through bad experiences to see the good. Pictures like these brings back a place where everything seemed perfect, we were all in senior year anticipating our graduation date, hung out as much as we could and planned trips for the summer. Naive..... That's what we all were,growing into adults life of course had to throw us some obstacles and did we over come them? No we didn't. People change that's a fact for good or for worse it will always be a mystery how a person does from night to day, we can look back on those times and say "wow I remember that time!" But the person we were back then is not the one we are right now. I look in the mirror and my reflection is different my experiences have shifted something in me and has made me appreciate my friendship with each of you even more even if you guys haven't still. Different choices shape our path and we probably won't be in each other's lives for that long, something's are more important and that's ok, I've let this sink in and I'm okay with that fact. Andrea I've known you since 6th grade Spanish class and to be honest my best memory is when I never gave you back your dollar haha. Your honesty is admirable and I wish i could be honest as you, you were there in the the crucial years transitioning from middle school to high school, I don't know how I could have survived freshman year without you. Never stop carrying your class and sass Andre. Ashley you have defitnely grown the most, I always looked to you as a little sister because having those conversations were our friendship grew stronger I wanted to always give you best advice I could. Freshman year you were just full of energy and you were quite more mature than any of us and now you've become a sophisticated woman, I love how you always stuck to your beliefs and hope that's something no one takes away. Kayla and Freddy you guys have surprised me in ways I possibly couldn't have imagined,your relationship is an example of a testament of trust and independence. Kayla I remember how close we were back in 8th when we discovered the love for art. Full of talent and genuine love, I love how your realistic about things and with high school and time you've become such a close friend of mine I would have never believed it. Freddy Freddy Freddy you have also become a really close friend of mine and along with Kayla I know I can count on you guys for anything and I'd do the same. Freddy I remember the goofiness and silliness of your personality you were always the laid back guy who looked forward to having a fun time, you're like an older brother to me because although you used to and still make fun of me you never gave me a bad advice. Hanging out with you guys these last back to back weekends have been such a liberation to me you have no idea how much that has meant to me. Thank you. Thank you all you guys for putting a different piece in my heart to improve and welcome a different change in my life. Josh would be so happy to see where all our lives would takes us and how much you have saved me.